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Thank you! This will be hugely helpful to me—and to your fellow readers.
That was the burning question. Now here's the good stuff:
Last week, someone asked me how I might update Dream Teams in light of lessons learnt during COVID. I’ve been thinking about that question a lot, and I think I might boil the answer down to 3 charts, which I'd love to share with you:
Chart 1: Want People To Trust You? Prove You'll Treat Them Benevolently
(When things go awry, you know someone who's benevolent has your back even if your interests diverge.)
Chart 2: Psychological Safety Only Exists When Everyone Is Convinced They'll Be Treated Benevolently By Everyone Else In The Group
(This explains why social media can be so toxic...)
Chart 3: Good Boundaries Keep Teams Healthy (And Benevolent Teammates Don't Exploit Them)
These charts are the What. The How, of course, is the part that makes all the difference.
Make a great day!
P.S. If you are interested in digging deep into how to build trust as a leader, I'd be honored if you checked out my speaking page, or my teamwork courses at Snow Academy!