3 Ways To Make Sustainable Progress in 2022
I’ve never been very successful at leveling up my life in January.
On January 1, I’m ultra excited about good posture and sit-ups, and by the 31st I’m looking forward to doing those things when it gets warm outside maybe.
And so, now that January is over, I’m kicking this year’s newsletter off with 3 things that I am doing myself—and that I suggest you try, too—to level up for the long-term, in 2022 and beyond!
I’m so personally excited about each of these that I couldn’t wait to share:
Long-Term Level-Up #1: This Book on Sustainable Achievement
Ryan Hawk is one of my favorite leaders with one of my favorite podcasts: The Learning Leader
And his new book, The Pursuit of Excellence, is the best thing you can read if you want to be sustainably productive—based on lessons learned the hard way by hundreds of amazing athletes, executives, scientists, and more.
Long-Term Level-Up #2: This Podcast on Health & Longevity
Too much of health, diet, and fitness advice is optimized toward short term gains (or losses)
Dr. David Sinclair has spent his life studying how to make human health and our bodies last longer
And his new, 8-episode podcast (which you should start from the beginning) is the most motivating and inspiring thing I’ve listened to in years. It lays out a series of simple things that will change your life—with lots of science!
Long-Term Level-Up #3: These Training Courses on Sustainable Leadership & Sales
Here’s a shameless plug I believe in wholeheartedly: The two new interactive courses we just completed at Snow Academy are some of the best work I’ve ever been involved in. Unlike all those video courses on the internet, they teach through Guided Practice—leading you gently to help you form sustainable habits:
So far, The Dream Teams Leadership Program has helped hundreds of leaders at Fortune 500 companies and government agencies change the way they deal with people, problems, and conflict. And now you can take it any time, on your own time, in the new and improved edition we just launched!
We spent months last fall developing an awesome new course called Storytelling for Sales. If you’re a salesperson, a leader, or anyone whose job involves pitching ideas, these habits will change the way you think and work for the rest of your career.
After this, we’ll return to our regular XPF and freebie emails. Hope you’re starting off 2022 safe and happy!
Much love,