Teamwork, Candor, Self-Awareness, and The Chance To Win 6 Signed Books!
From the desk of Shane Snow
Every week, this Friday email aims to help you see and work a little differently. (You’re always welcome to opt-out at the bottom if you don’t want it!)
Normally, this Snow Report comes in the form of a story, a tip, or a roundup of stories to check out. But today we have a special treat instead!
This week I joined forces with the folks at Heleo and Next Big Idea Club to give away signed copies of SIX AWESOME BOOKS about working different. All you gotta do is enter here for a chance to get them all.
Here’s the list of books, by a crew of authors and thinkers I love:
The Best Team Wins, by Gostick and Elton
Build An A Team, by Whitney Johnson
The Excellence Dividend, by Tom Peters
Insight, by Tasha Eurich
Radical Candor, by Kim Scott
and my very own upcoming book, DREAM TEAMS!
Plus you could win a free subscription to Next Big Idea Club, which sends you the best new books every quarter, hand picked by Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Dan Pink, and my man Adam Grant.
Enter to win all this here. If you don’t win, fret not! I’ll be sharing excerpts and insights from these authors in future Snow Report posts—including my monthly author interview with a behind-the-scenes look at a writer’s process.
If you’ve got a book you love and would like put in the mix for the next signed giveaway—or whose author you’d like me to interview—hit reply and let me know!
Much love, and until next week,