What if you could unlock more trust (& productivity) as a leader?
Shane here! I’ve got two things for you today: A thought-provoking freebie, and an offer you won’t want to miss out on, if you haven’t signed up yet!
First, to boost your leadership & innovation skills:
Today is the last day to register for my Dream Teams Leadership Intensive, a live (virtual) skills bootcamp for developing habits around psychological safety, making confrontation productive, effective inclusion, communicating inarguably, and more. Get your spot in this two-week, hour-a-day workshop series before signups close at midnight tonight! (We also have a payment plan if you want to use a company card and spread the $625 cost out over a few months, btw.)
Bonus: In January, I’m going to be running a similar live 2-week virtual bootcamp on another topic I think you’ll love: Lateral Thinking and Innovation skills, based on upgraded research from Smartcuts. So if you want to be on the list to get details for that early, click here. (Waiting list folks will get a discount when registration opens.)
Next, let’s cut through the politics:
Everyone wants to talk about American politics right now. I’m not going to do that in this newsletter today (except to say: please register to vote!) You can read all about last night’s Shouting Match everywhere else.
But what I do want to talk about today is workplace politics. That awful, ambiguous state of “WTF is really going on?” that too often creeps into our teams at work.
After spending too much of my own past work life twisted up in tangles of office drama (even one week of it is too much, amirite?), I’ve spent quite a bit of time studying the psychology and social dynamics of that fuzzy/terrible game we wish we didn’t have to play—and I just posted this breakdown simplifying my conclusions about it.
Part of being a good team player is being able to cut to the heart of things and tackle the right issues rather than hacking away at symptoms and distractions. And I think this simple way of framing workplace politics can help you do that—whether you’re in an official leadership position or trying to lead from within your groups by example:
I hope it gives you food for thought, and opens your eyes up to what’s really afoot the next time you see work politics play out. With that awareness, I’d like to think we can help and learn about each other instead of feeling the need to fight each other so much.
Much love—and don’t forget to sign up today!